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Acupuncture/Herbal Medicine

The way of healing is so profound. It is deep as the oceans and boundless as the skies. How many truly know it? Nei Ching

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

& Herbal Medicine.

 021 106 0229

7 Mason Place, Ohope 

Emmeline’s Strengths lie in experience, excellence and passion spiced up with lots of laughter. Emmeline will combine Herbal medicine and/or Traditional Chinese Acupuncture to create an individualized treatment for you.


"My first acupuncture experience with Emmeline was life changing. I've had ongoing bouts of anxiety and insomnia which turned into a vicious cycle in my life that I could not control anymore. After my first session I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, it was like I could finally breathe properly again. From just one session I experienced immediate effects of calmness. I felt like someone pushed the reset button in my life. I am amazed how much the session changed my life. I am truly grateful to Emmeline and her skillset. Emmeline is simply brilliant. Not only is she incredible at what she does , as an acupuncturist, but she is a fantastic person who makes it her mission to help you from the moment you meet her.."


"Kia ora Emmeline. Thankyou for your awesome herbal tincture and acupuncture last week. I feel way less anxious. I haven't had a hot sweat since my treatment and I am sleeping. Omg I am human again. Ka Pai."

"My 12 year old daughter visited Emmeline with a knee injury, she had a big athletics event and was unable to run and manage the training. After the first session she said her knee felt "lighter" and she was able to run on it. Acupuncture supported her to complete and with little pain, we felt it really helped and would highly recommend, Emmeline has a magic touch and unique skill." Fiona

"I have been meaning to email you for months to say thankyou for the work you did with me re my fertlity issues. I attended 2 sessions about 5-6 months ago. Not only did it help me emotionally but the month after my last session I fell pregnant with twins...You are amazing, thankyou so much."


Photos by Kedron Parker 

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