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Emmeline has 20 years experience as a Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist and 9 years experience as a Medical Herbalist.
Emmeline's strengths lie in combining an understanding of Traditional Chinese diagnosis with modern medical knowledge to develop the best individualised treatment for you.
Emmeline's treatments are spiced with lots of laughter, common sense and deep relaxation. Diet, exercise, sleep, nature, emotion and laughter are some of the vital factors to support your health. Emmeline's goal is to guide you to achieve abundant health and well being.
"To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear"- Buddha.
Diploma of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture from NZ School of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Diploma in Clinical Herbal Medicine from International School of Herbal medicine.
Law Degree Otago University 1989.
Registered with Acupuncture NZ, Chinese Medicine Council of NZ & NZ Association of Medical Herbalists.
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